Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our New Catalog-

Ah, Spring! For the Book Elves that means its time to dig out the grill & beer cooler and spend pleasant, balmy evenings passed out in the half-dug garden amidst a welter of beer cans and potted tomato seedlings. It also means, regrettably, Spring Cleaning. As part of that ritual this year, the book Elves decided to re-organize the private library in the Cataloging Cave, which is variously described as being somewhere between “a gabajillion” and “umpty bazillion” volumes. Being Book Elves, the “re-organization” consisted of moving every single book one bookcase to the left.

But before they were lost to sight under mounds of hardcovers, softcovers, leather-covers and no-covers, the Book Elves finished our latest catalog-

Books on the Fine and Decorative Arts, Antiques, Design & related subjects.

You can see the entire catalog, with illustrations, on our website.

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